Наукові публікації


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Публікації у Scopus

  1. Berhilevych O., Kasianchuk V. Identification of Cronobacter spp (Enterobacter sakazakii) from raw milk and environmental samples of dairy farms. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017; 6/11 ( 90 ): 4-10.
  2. Smiianov VA, Vygovskaya LA. Intrauterine infections – challenges in the perinatal period (literature review). Wiadomosci Lekarskie. 2017; LXX (3 cz I) : 512-515.
  3. Kuzenko Y. V. Romaniuk, А., Lyndin M., Smiyanov V. Primary multiple tumor with affection of the thyroid gland, uterus, urinary bladder, mammary gland and other organs. Pathology Research and Practice. Elsevier. 2017; 213(5): 574-579.
  4. Мелеховец Ю.В., Смеянов В.А., Мелеховец О.К., Швыдун Е.А. Оценкакачестважизникаккритерийэффективностинизкоэнергетическогорежимаэндовенознойлазернойкоагуляции (Assessment of quality of life as a criterion of the efficiency of low-energy mode endovenous laser coagulation). Новостихирургии. 2017; 25 (4): 365-372.
  5. Smiianov VA, Smiianova OI, Gruzieva T., Vygivska L., Rudenko LA. Study of motivational factors in doctors in respect of healthcare quality improvement. Wiadomosci Lekarskie. 2017; LXX (1): 27-31.
  6. Smiianov VA, Witczak I., Smiianova OI, Rudenko LA. Monitoring of awareness level in dispensary patients with arterial hypertension. Wiadomosci Lekarskie. 2017; LXX (2, II): 299-302.
  7. Demikhova N., Smiianov V., Smiianov Y., Lukyanikhin V. The benefits of innovative technologies in teaching subjects in medical education. Research journal of pharmaceutical, biological and chemical sciences. 2017; 8(3): 105-109.
  8. Kukhtyn M. D., Berhilevych O.M., Kravcheniuk K., Shynkaruk O., Horyuk Y. V., Semaniuk N. Formation of biofilms on dairy equipment and the influence of disinfectants on them. Eastern-European Journal of Eenterprise Technologies. 2017; 5/11 (89): 26–33 doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.110488
  9. Smiianov VA, Dryha NO, Smiianova OI, Obodyak VK, Zudina TO. Development of informational-communicative system, created to improve medical help for family medicine doctors. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2018; LXXI (2 cz II): 331 – 334.
  10. Holovanova I.A., Smiianov V.A., PluzhnikovаV., Potseluiev V.I., Filatova O.V. Аnalysis of knowledge of students of higher educational institutions of Poltava about the harmfulness of drug use. Wiad Lek. 2018;71(7):1295-1297.
  11. Holubnycha, V., Kalinkevich, O., Ivashchenko, O., Pogorielov, M. Antibacterial Activity of In Situ Prepared Chitosan/Silver Nanoparticles Solution Against Methicillin-Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2018 Mar 2;13(1):71. doi.org/10.1186/s11671-018-2482-9
  12. Dyachenko P., Smiianova O., Kurhanskaya V., Oleshko O., Dyachenko A. Epstein-Barr virus-associated encephalitis in a case-series of more than 40 patients. Wiad Lek. 2018; 71 (6):1224-1230.
  13. Smiianov YV, Smiianov VA, Sniehirova IA, Smiianova OI. Algorithm of adenoiditis treatment in adults, depending on the pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy stage. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2018; LXXI (3, 1): 564 – 568.
  14. Golovanova IA, Smiianov VA, Khorosh MV, Smiianov YV, Smiianova OI. Risk factors of smoking among students of higher medical educational establishments of Ukraine. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2018; LXXI (6): 1175-1181.
  15. Dyachenko P., Dyachenko A., Smiianova O., Kurhanskaya V., Efremin R. Ukrainian priorities for herpesvirus infections that affect the central nervous system. Wiad Lek. 2018; 71 (7):1289-1294.
  16. Dyachenko P., Dyachenko A., Smiianova O., Kurhanskaya V., Efremin R. Identification of Human herpesvirus 7 in the cerebrospinal fluid of adult Ukrainian with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. A case study. Wiad Lek. 2018; 71 (8): 1636-1638.
  17. Smiianov V.A., Zaitseva H.S., Kurganskaya V.A., Dyachenko A.G., Zbarazhskyi V.P., Smiianov Y.V., Pilipec O.A. Vaccination coverage rates and the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases among children in Sumy region of Ukraine. Wiad Lek. 2019; 72(2):255-260.
  18. Smiianov VA, Zaitseva H., Kurganskaya VO et al. Vaccination coverage rates and the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases among children in Sumy region of Ukraine. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019; LXXII (2): 255-261.
  19. Smiianov VA, Kurganskaya VO, Smiianova OI. Measles outbreaks: they are preventable but keep progressing dangerously. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019; 72 (11 cz. I): 2145-2148.
  20. Oleshko O.,Deineka V., Husak Ye., Korniienko V., Holubnycha V., Pisarek M., Michalska J., Simka W., Pogorielov M.. Ag Nanoparticle-Decorated Oxide Coatings Formed via Plasma Electrolytic Oxidationon ZrNb Alloy. Materials 2019; 12: 3742. doi:10.3390/ma12223742 mdpi.com/journal/materials SNIP 1.2.
  21. Julia Radwan-Pragłowska, Marek Piatkowski, Volodymyr Deineka, Łukasz Janus, Viktoriia Korniienko, Evgenia Husak, Viktoria Holubnycha, Iryna Liubchak, Vyacheslav Zhurba, Aleksandra Sierakowska, Maksym Pogorielov and Dariusz Bogdał. Chitosan-Based Bioactive Hemostatic Agents with Antibacterial Properties—Synthesis and Characterization Molecules. 2019; 24: 2629; doi:10.3390/molecules24142629
  22. Scientific justification of need to change the population nutrition system in Ukraine 77th International Scientific Conference, February 22, Riga 2019. Medicina. 2019; 55 (Supplement 1): 180.
  23. Dyachenko P., Filchakov I., Dyachenko A., Shahinian V., Kurhanskaya V. Diagnostic value of specific antibody synthesis in brain of patients with neuroinfections. Wiad Lek. 2019;72(8):1437-1441.
  24. Smiianov VA, Zaitseva HS, Kurganskaya VO, Dyachenko AG, Zbarazhskyi VP, Smiianov YV, Pilipec OA. Vaccination coverage rates and the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases among children in Sumy region of Ukraine. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019; LXXII (2): 255-260.
  25. Dyachenko A., Vasiliev Y., Dyachenko Р. Effects of probiotics on altered gut microflora in patients with severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Wiad Lek. 2019; 72(12,1):2354-2360.
  26. Fomenko IG, Garbusova VY, Obukhova OA, Pohmura VV, Plakhtienko IA, Piven SM. The association of APAI-Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) with development of generalized parodontitis in Ukrainian population. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019; LXXII (7): 1253 – 1257.
  27. Berhilevych OM, Kasianchuk VV, Chernetskyi I., Konieva A., Dimitrijevich L., Marenkova T.. Construction of a method for predicting the number of enterobacteria in milk using artifical neural networks. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Technology and equipment of food production. 2019; 2/11 (98):6–14. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2019.160021.
  28. Grshybovskyj JL, Smiianov VA, Myronyuk IM, Lyubinets OV. Ten indicators which characterize medical-demographic processes in adjacent regions of Ukraine and Poland. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019; LXXII (5 cz 1): 868-876.
  29. Berhilevych O., Kasianchuk V., Kukhtyn M., Dimitrijevich L., Marenkova T. The study correlation between physicochemical properties, botanical origin and microbial contamination of honey from the south of Ukraine. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. 2019; 13 (1): 863-869, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5219/1179
  30. Dyachenko PA, Kurhanska VA, Dyachenko AG, Smiianova OI. Subacute enterovirus- associated encephalitis in a young adult coinfected with Borrelia Burgdorferi. Wiad Lek. 2020;73(5):1053-1055.
  31. Plakhtiienko IA, Smiianov YV, Smiianov VA, Savchenko VV. Results of the ultramicroscopic research of adenoid vegetations accompanied by the pathologies of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in adults. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (8): 1626-1631.
  32. Sniehyrov IO, Plakhtiienko IA, Kurhanska VO, Smiianov YV. The main leitmotifs of Chinese medicine in the context of the development of modern science. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (5):1000-1003.
  33. Potseluiev V.I., Boiko O.I., Smiianov Y.V., Kostenko A.M. Analysis of medical services financial efficiency in the secondary care institutions of Sumy region. Wiadomosci lekarskie. 2020; 73 (1) :169-175. DOI: 10.36740/Wlek202001132
  34. Kukhtyn M, Salata V, Berhilevych O, Malimon Z , Tsvihun A, Gutyj B, Horiuk Y. Evaluation of storage methods of beef by microbiological and chemical indicators. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. 2020; 14: 602-611, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5219/1381
  35. Potseluiev VI, Kostenko AM, Rudenko LA, Smiianova OI. A rural-based medical and sociological study on the results of the primary care reform. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (5): 963-966. (DOI: 10.36740/WLek202005123)
  36. Dyachenko PA, Kurhanska VO, Dyachenko AG, Smiianova OI. Subacute enterovirus-associated encephalitis in a young adult coinfected with borrelia burgdorferi. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (5): 1053-1055. (DOI:10.36740/WLek202005140)
  37. Rudenko LA, Smiianov VA, Smiianova OI. Basic principles of behavioral economics and prospects for their application in the public health system. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (9, part 2): 2036-2041.
  38. Ivakhniuk TV, Holubnycha VM, Smiianov VA, Rudenko LA, Smiianov YV. Antibiotic resistance of the nasopharynx microbiota in patients with inflammatory processes. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIІІ (4): 1415-1419.
  39. Lyubchak V.V., Plaksa V.M., Pelo I.P., Kovalishyn M.P., Lyubchak V.P., Horokh V.V., Lisovenko T.I, Ilyina V.V., Khomenko L.M. Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in a Complex Treatment of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis. Wiadomosci Lekarskie. 2020; 7(73): 1454-1458. DOI: 10.36740/WLek202007126.
  40. Dyachenko PA, Dyachenko AG. A case of MRI-negative Herpes virus encephalitis presented by Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Wiad Lek. 2020;73(11):2555-2556.
  41. Kovchun AV, Smiianov VA, Kuchma NG, Kachkovska VV, Prystupa LN. The Impact of Systemic Inflammation on Anemia in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (2): 325-328.
  42. Kuzniak NB, Fedoniuk LYa, Pryshlyak AM, Skyba OI, Yarema OM, Dovgalyuk AI, Penteleichuk AP, Smiianov VA. Morphogenesis of maxillary sinuses in infants during early and first childhood. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (2): 254-258.
  43. Danylenko HM, Sotnikova-Meleshkina ZV, Smiianov VA. The impact of an educational institution on development of healthy lifestyle skills for prevention of obesity in adolescents. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (5): 978 – 982.
  44. Smiianov VA, Lyulyov OV, Pimonenko TV, Andrushchenko TA, Sova S., Grechkovskaya NV. The impact of the pandemic lockdown on air pollution, health and economic growth: system dynamics analysis. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; 73 (11): 2332-2338.
  45. Smiianov VA, Rudenko SA, Potashev SV, Salo SV, Gavrylyshin AY, Levchyshina EV, Hrubyak LM, Nosovets EK, Nastenko EA, Rudenko AV, Lazoryshynets VV. Speckle tracking dobutamine stress echocardiography diagnostic accuracy in primary coronary arteries disease diagnosis. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; 73 (11): 2447-2456.
  46. Sokol VK, Kolesnichenko VA, Sokol KM, Smiianov VA. Method of forensic assessment of risk factors of treatment failure outcomes as an element of quality management of medical care. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2020; LXXIII (5): 1041 – 1047.
  47. Dyachenko PA, Hramova RA, Dyachenko AG. A rare brainstem inflammatory syndrome: myth or fact. Case report with critical review. Wiad Lek. 2021;74(1):161-164.
  48. Dyachenko PA., Smiianova OI., Dyachenko AG. Meningo-encephalitis in a middle-aged woman hospitalized for Covid-19. Wiad Lek. 2021;74(5):1274-1276.
  49. Yanishevska KD, Ivakhniuk TV, Budko HY, Smiyanov YV. Experimental model of an integrated approach to the Training of legal and health care professionals on issues of Infection with especially dangerous infectious diseases. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; 1109- 1114.
  50. Berhilevych OM, Kasianchuk VV, Kukhtyn M., Shubin P., Butsyk A. Comparison of Cell Sizes of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with Presence and Absence of the MecA Gene. Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal. 2021; 83(1): 68–77. doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj83.01.068
  51. Dryha NO, Stepanenko AV, Rudenko LA Zhaldak DO, Piven SM, Plakhtiienko IO. Results of medical-social research on medical care quality for Patients with results COVID-19 of inpatient hospital in Sumy region. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5): 1057-1060.
  52. Liubchak V.V., Khomenko L.M., Kovalishyn M.P., Ilyina V.V., Babar T.V., Sikora V.V., Simonova O.V. New Marketing Tools in the Blood Service to Optimize Quality Management. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; 9(74): 2192-2196. DOI: 0.36740/WLek202109129.
  53. Smiianov VA, Yemets TV, Smiianov YV, Hornostaieva PO. Epidemilogy of ENT disorders in adult population of agricultural region. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5): 1229-1236.
  54. Kostenko AM, Svitailo ND, Nazarov MS, Kurochkina VS, Smiianov YV.. Strengthening societal resilience during COVID-19 pandemic. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5): 1137-1141.
  55. Kostenko AM, Yasenok VO, Svitailo ND, Nazarov MS, Teslyk NM, Smiianova OI, Huschuk IV. Application of behavioral economics insights to increase effectiveness of public awareness of COVID-19. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5): 1125-1129.
  56. Kostenko AM, Yasenok VO, Svitailo ND et al. Аpplication of behavioral economics insights to increase effectiveness of public awareness of COVID-19. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5):1137-1142.
  57. Maksymova OS, German SM, Yasenok VO et al. Features of skin wounds healing under chronic hyperglycemia and improvement of their treatment methods. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5): 1174-1180.
  58. Ivats-Chabina AR, Korolchuk OL, Kachur AYu, Smiianov VA. Healthcare in Ukraine during the epidemic: difficulties, challenges and solutions. Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021; LXXIV (5): 1256-1261.