Discussion of educational programs in Specialty 229: Public Health within the framework of the Ukrainian-American partnership and the USAID project “Development of a sustainable public health system”

On April 12 and 13, 2024, the meeting “Formation of competent personnel in the field of public health” was held in the city of Uzhhorod, in which representatives of three Ukrainian higher educational institutions (Sumy State University, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ternopil National Medical University), the departments of which were included in the Ukrainian-American partnership program by the decision of the selection committee. The delegation from Sumy State University included Andrii LOBODA, Director of the Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Vladyslav SMIYANOV, Head of the Department of Public Health, and Tetyana IVAKHNIUK, the guarantor of the Bachelor’s Degree Public Health Education Program, who took part in the meeting on the planning of joint activities in the university partnership program “Formation of capable personnel in the field of public health”.

During the meeting within the framework of the USAID project “Development of a Sustainable Public Health System”, a discussion of educational programs in the specialty of Public Health at the bachelor’s and master’s levels of Sumy State University occurred. Key issues regarding the formation of educational programs in the specialty of Public Health in Ukraine and the USA were discussed. All participants in the meeting familiarized themselves with the best practices of the USA regarding the training of a new generation of public health specialists who possess proven knowledge and skills. They also considered the possibilities of their introduction into the educational programs of Ukrainian higher educational institutions and considered international perspectives – accreditation of CEPH and European schools of public health.

During the meeting, the main areas of activity within the partnership and elements of the memorandum of understanding were defined.

This meeting is the first step in establishing close coordination and cooperation between Ukrainian and American universities in the direction of strengthening the public health system in Ukraine with qualified and competent personnel.


The staff of the Department of Public Health of the Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of Sumy State University thanks the American colleagues and participants of the USAID project “Building a Sustainable Public Health System” for their cooperation, which is the key to building a new sustainable public health system.