Vladyslava Kust got 2nd place in the second round of the Ukrainian competition of student theses

April 16, 2021, on the basis of the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine “Bogomolets National Medical University” (Kyiv), the final scientific and practical conference of the Ukrainian competition of student theses, special field “Practical Medicine”, took place.

During the conference theses` authors presented the results of their own research works. Taking into account the conclusions of the reviewers, the jury had chosen 8 student theses, the authors of which took part in the second round of the Ukrainian competition in the special field of “Practical medicine.” Among others, thesis «Сlinical and Microbiological Features of Otomycosis and Issues of Etiotropic Therapy» by Vladyslava Kust, the 4th year student of Medical institute, Sumy State University (thesis tutor – The candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Plakhtienko I.O.; Microbiology research works consultant – Associate Professor Ivakhnyuk T.) was considered as one of the best, and its author got the 2nd place.

Congratulations to Vladyslava and Inna Oleksandrivna and best wishes for further scientific success!