The assistant of the department has completed professional development courses

Svitlana Piven, an assistant at the department of public health, completed advanced training courses under the program “Domestic assistance to victims of war”. The courses were held during March 13-14 on the basis of Sumy State University.
The program provided for the assimilation of theoretical material and the acquisition of practical skills. The participants of the course got acquainted with the TSSS-ASM tactical medicine protocol, learned how to provide assistance according to the M.A.R.C.H. algorithm, ensure the patency of the airways of an unconscious injured person, and stop bleeding by various means on different parts of the human body.
We would like to thank the organizers of the program and the teachers of the department of emergency medical care and disaster medicine of NNMI Sumy State University: Doctor of Medicine. n., prof. Yu.V. Shkatula, doctor of medicine. Ph.D., Assoc. Badion Yu.O. and Doctor of Medicine N. Tkachenko Yu.A. for acquired skills and knowledge.