The assistant of the Department get certified after distance course in the Center of Public Health, Ministry of Health of Ukraine

On January 5, Svitlana Piven, Assistant of the Department of Public Health, held a distance course “Enhance Cooperation Between Human and Animal Health Fields to Improve the Level of Sanitary and Epidemic Well-being” in the Center of Public Health, Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The course was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Center of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It reveals the content of the WHO activities in context of interaction in ecosystems “animal-human-environment” and indicates the idea of national workshops on bond building (WBB), field simulation training, a tripartite guide and practical tools designed to support countries in implementing mechanisms of “One Health” at their level. Aim of training:
  • to be well informed on the international framework and related instruments, used in the field of human health (International Health Regulations – IHR, Annual Reporting of Participating Countries – SPAR);
  • to orient in the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide, which provides guidance on implementation of the “One Health” approach to managing zoonosis cases;
  • to identify working tools (CRAOT – common risk assessment operating tool, MCM OT – multi-sectoral coordination mechanism operating tool, SISOT – a tool for sharing epidemiological data and supplemental information), developed as part of tripartite cooperation to support countries in implementing the “One Health” approach.