Nataliia Dryha successfully defended her PhD thesis

On November 30, 2023, at the Department of Public Health of the Academic and Research Medical Institute of SumDU Nataliia Dryha defended her dissertation on the topic “Medical and social justification of the quality management system optimization of medical care in patients with type 2 diabetes at the level of primary health care”. Scientific Supervisor – Vladyslav Smiianov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Health .

The head of the Specialized Scientific Council was Andrii Loboda, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Academic and Research Medical Institute of SumDU.

Opponents were leading scientists of Ukraine in the Organization and Management of Health Care and Public Health:

Oryna Detsyk, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University;

Victoriia Horachuk, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Scientific Department of the Organization of Medical Care of the State Scientific Institution “Scientific and practical center of preventive and clinical medicine” of the State Administration of Affairs;

Gennadii Slabkyi, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, acting Head of the Public Health Department of Uzhgorod National University.

The reviewer was Nadiia Demikhova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Family Medicine with a course of Dermatovenerology of the Academic and Research Medical Institute of SumDU.

All members of the Specialized Scientific Council noted that for the first time in Ukraine, in a scientific study of the extremely important problem of optimizing the prevention and treatment of diabetes, the need for the development and implementation of modern behavioral mechanisms for motivating and actively involving patients in the process of dynamic monitoring of their health and prevention of complications was substantiated diabetes. In order to solve the identified problems and improve the two-way interaction between the participants of the medical and diagnostic process, an innovative element was developed and implemented – the information and communication system “Remote medical service in the system of managing the quality of medical care at the level of primary care”. The members of the Specialized Scientific Council recommended submitting the information and communication system to the profile commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for implementation at the state level. Congratulations to Nataliia Dryha and her Scientific Supervisor on a successful defense!