Students visited the clinical base of NNMI of Sumy State University “Smiyanov Clinic”

On October 21, within the framework of the discipline “Problem-Based Learning”, taught at the Department of Public Health by Associate Professor T.V. Ivakhniuk, third-year students visited the clinical base of the Academic and Research Medical Institute of SumDU “Smiyanov Clinic” and received advice from the doctor of medical sciences, professor V.A. Smiyanov to acquire practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the aspect of the clinical case, which was considered in the classroom. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the methods of otoscopy, audiograms, rhinoscopy, etc., and received advice on the most common diseases of the otolaryngological profile. It should be noted that problem-based learning differs significantly from the traditional knowledge delivery method. All educational activities, in this case, are concentrated around solving the task of a specific clinical case, and the teacher in the classroom is a learning guide and tutor for students.