Round-table conference “Roadmap of Gynecological Cancer Diseases` Prevention in Sumy Region”

On 30.11.2021, Round-table conference “Roadmap of Gynecological Cancer Diseases` Prevention in Sumy Region” was held.

The head of the Center of Social Research, Andriana Kostenko, presented the results of the study of barriers in using of services for prevention and early detection of cancer in urban and rural women of Sumy region, which was carried out by Center of Social Research, Sumy State University during July-October 2021. The research was conducted within the framework of the University Think Tank Development Initiative, implemented by International Renaissance Foundation in partnership with the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) and financial support of the Sweden  Embassy in Ukraine.

Research team members:

Nina Svitailo – Head of Research, PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor.

Yulia Savelieva – gender expert, PhD Candidate

Svitlana Tarasenko – expert in budgeting, economy.

Dmytro Sumtsov – oncogynecologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Andriana Kostenko – Head of the Center of Social Research, Doctor of Political Science, Assistant Professor.

Svitlana Piven – expert, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences

Anna Yevseeva – expert at Center of Social Research.

Reviewer: Vladyslav Smiianov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Public Health, Sumy State University


Recommendations to the Roadmap on Prevention of Cancer Gynecological Diseases in Sumy Region and its implementation at the regional and territorial level communities were presented.

The event was attended by 52 participants: representatives of the Department of Healthcare, Sumy Regional State Administration; coming from Lebedin, Popivka, Novoslobidsk, Konotop, Chernechyna, Seredinobuda and other districts.

Recommendations to the Roadmap on Prevention of Cancer Gynecological Diseases in Sumy Region and possible ways of cooperation were actively discussed by Halina Khometa, Vladyslav Smiianov, Dmytro Sumtsov and representatives of the territorial communities from Sumy region.