Participation of public health department teachers in the webinar “The Philadelphia Experience: How the City of Philadelphia Responded to Rapidly Rising Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections Using Public Health Principles and Approaches”

Lecturers of the Department of Public Health of the Academic and Research Medical Institute of Sumy State University, as part of joint activities in the partnership program of Ukrainian universities and Temple and Drexel Universities (Philadelphia, USA) took part in the webinar “Philadelphia’s experience: how the city of Philadelphia reacted to the rapid increase in the level of infections that sexually transmitted, using principles and approaches of public health”. 

The webinar was held on May 28 with the support of the USAID project “Building a Sustainable Public Health System”. During the webinar, which was held by Dr. Donald Schwartz, a leader in the field of public health, discussed the experience of implementing programs in the United States for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents. For a wider community of listeners, the webinar was broadcast on the Facebook page of the project, which was also attended by students of the specialty 229 Public Health of the Academic and Research Medical Institute of SumDU. This webinar is the first in a series of webinars on “Successful Management Solutions in Health Care” hosted by the Philadelphia Public Health Association Project.