Lecturers of the Department contribute to safe nutrition of employees and students of SSU.

On September 23, 2021, Professor Kasyanchuk Viktoriia Viktorivna held another seminar-training on support and proper functioning of the food safety system, according to the HACCP, for employees of the SSU catering complex.
The team of SSU catering complex (CC), headed by Chekhovsky Alexander Mykolayovych, makes a lot to ensure quality and safe nutrition for the entire SSU workers, as well as for other customers. The HACCP system has been implemented for more than a year in the CC. It was developed by the professors of the Department of Public Health, Kasyanchuk V.V. and Bergilevich O.M. The employees of the SSU CC have already managed to adapt to the special HACCP system and have successfully passed regular official tests on the effectiveness by inspectors of the Sumy State Food Service. The HACCP system requires constant improvement and training of employees. Therefore, systematically, such training is conducted and the whole team of SSU CC is interested in its further development.