Associate Professor of the Public Health Department take a one-year internship at the Institute of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health of the University of Zurich

Associate Professor of the Public Health Department of Academic and Research Medical Institute Viktoriia Yasenok take a one-year internship at the Institute of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) Cooperation will take place on several projects at once, including:
  1. International Meeting on Teaching Epidemiology in the 21st Century: Epi Teaching 2023. Since 2018 (excluding 2021 and 2022) Professor Milo Puhan (Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health, University of Zurich) and Dr. Gerben ter Riet (Amsterdam Universitair Medische Centra) organized a series of conferences (1 in Amsterdam, 2 in Zurich) bringing together academic epidemiologists from around the world. Each meeting (limited to 100 participants at all career stages) focused on distinct goals. Over the first two, core competencies for teaching epidemiology were produced and refined. The most recent meeting (January 2020, Zurich) focused on the real-world integration of the core competencies into participants’ current epidemiology curricula. A second focus of the meeting was sharing innovative, successful teaching methods of teaching the competencies. The 4th international meeting of academic epidemiologists will focus on share exreriences and review the Core Competencies of Epidemiologists.
  1. Projects Ciao Corona, led by Dr. Susi Kriemler is a landmark study including over 2500 school children in the Zurich region. Goals of the Ciao Corona study (1) Determine SARS-CoV-2-related natural and vaccine-induced immunity in children and adolescents and determine timecourse of immunity since pandemic onset. (2) Characterize symptoms and risk constellations for Long Covid. (3) Determine child and adolescent mental health and well-being and their association with lifestyle factors over course of pandemic.
Such cooperation is extremely important in the exchange of experience between scientists, as it will lead to the acquisition of new competencies and their further integration into the current curricula of the “Public Health” educational program disciplines, with the subsequent exchange of innovative, effective teaching methods and competencies with other teachers of the Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of Sumy State University